Sunday, November 15, 2015

Stereotype Stamp Out - Mo Money Mo Better

Hey Travel Gurus!
Though it may seem that I bring up this point of discussion quite often, it's only because emphasizing will hopefully convince you of its validity. When people think of people who travel, they either picture extremely rich people taking a private plane to the Madives or people who spend their all their lives and money to be able to travel all the time. Though, I'm sure no one would object to those options, the truth is, you don't need to break your bank account to be able to travel. Part of this misconception come from the fact that most people believe that to "travel" one must be venturing out in foreign countries  sipping on foreign tea while overlooking the foreign ocean. This however isn't the case. If planned correctly, a weekend at your local campground or lake can be just as valid and fun as an exotic trip. Traveling is just an act that allows people to have fun and experience new things in new places, and that looks different from person to person. As long as you have a positive attitude and a mindset that will allow you to learn and grow from whatever venture you plan on taking, you can be assured that you will have a wonderful travel experience and will leave you with the same emotions as any other big time trip. This isn't to negate larger scale trips, as it is obvious that nothing is the same as seeing the sights in Europe, but you can easily find local alternatives that will leave you with a similar sense of fulfillment. If you're interested in the art scene, and looking at pretty things in general, check out your local newspaper for art gallery exhibitions and art festivals. If you're a food contadseur, chances are you'll be able to taste the plates of France locally without traveling across the globe. You can also stay on the look out for food festivals and restaurant openings that with leave you with a cultures tongue and full stomach. If you're a history geek,  you'll be able to find plenty of museums tang may enlighten you on something that makes your boring little town a little less boring. Whatever it is you're looking for out of an extravagant trip( you can always find a closer version and although you may not be sipping pho in the Philippines, you'll be left with the same amount of satisfaction and happiness.

Hope this helped encourage you guys to venture out and explore more. And always remeber that money shouldn't be the deciding factor on whether or not you  get to experience an amazing travel adventure.

Thanks again for keeping up!

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