Sunday, November 1, 2015

Traveling on a Budget - Frugal Food Ventures

Hey Travel Gurus,

Food is probably the most pleasurable part of any experience and this is an indisputable fact. Even though you probably won’t remember what you had for dinner in Hawaii a week after you get home, food is just an integral and beautiful part of life and should be enjoyed to its fullest potential - especially in a situation where there are different food options from what is offered back home. However every good thing in life comes with a price and when it comes to food, it can be a pretty high one. So how does one balance the desire to try new amazing foods in an amazing new city while still managing to stay smart about your expenses? That's where I come in with the three best ways to save money on food while still eating food other than gas station Cheetos.

First off, avoid eating in touristic areas. Of  the many inconveniences of tourist zones within a city, food and commodities in general is a big one. Businesses take advantage of visitors' willingness to give up money left and right just to have a more comfortable experience. What many don't realize that 2 miles outside of the city hub probably has amazing and more culturally accurate restaurants for half the price. While it can be fun to experience a place in a tourist world, it is very limiting and expensive. Try eating out  away from the tourist zone at least once a day during your stay and your effort will pay off in spades - green paper spades.

Another way to save on eating while traveling is to cook your own food. And I know the last thing you probably want to do on vacation is more domestic tasks but this can be a great way to reduce your spending and allow you to use the money for something fun on your trip. Go  to a local grocery store and pick up some simple ingredients and make a basic meal. As long as it fills you up and tastes good, you'll be good to go for the rest of your day. Cooking your own food can also help you keep up with any dietary restrictions you might have and will give you the chance to have a healthier meal. This isn't to say that you should cook every meal while traveling and miss out on local delicacies but you should remeber that your hotel room kitchenette is there for a reason.
