Sunday, November 15, 2015

Fall Time Treks

Hey Travel Gurus!
We're in that wonderful time of year again where crisp and fresh air meets colorful foliage meets snuggling under blankets to watch movies. The marvelous time of fall can be an enchanting time of the year and can deceivingly make cozying inside all day a more tempting way to spend your day. As a big sufferer of this, I've decided to help you get out of the house with five alternative adventures to take during fall, as in real adventures that aren't watched through a TV screen. 

1.) Sports Games. No, this does not mean watching ESPN in your living room. This means getting off your lazy butt to buy tickets to your local football game and enjoying a day or evening on the bleachers. Once you do it you'll agree, no fancy pan shots of a team you don't even know can beat watching the game while sipping hot chocolate and cozying close next to your favorite people on freezing cold seats. Friday night lights man.

2.) Haunted Houses. Yes Halloween is a ways behind us which can detract from the spooky spirit that makes haunted houses so fun, but going to haunted houses can still ensure a fun yet terrifying night out. If your local haunted house is still open, go there and enjoy the scary spirits before holiday spirit takes over your life (See what I did there? Hilarious I know).

3.) Apple picking. Cheesy I know, but apple orchards make a profit off of tourism for a reason. Orchards often offer an all encompassing fall experience. You'll be able to see mills where apples are made into apple cider and maybe get to try cinnamon and apple flavored baked goods. If the food wasn't motivation enough to convince you to go hayrides are also usually available. If not having a significant other you hold your hand even while you're plucking off the fruit, invite a good friend. You'll have twice the fun and will be able to make fun of the couples taking puke worthy pictures under the trees.

4.) Cabins and Campgrounds. This is the bat time of year to do this as you'll be able to enjoy decent weather without the side effects of bugs. While it'll probably be too cold to do anything in the water, you can still enjoy other outdoor activities such as hiking and barbecuing. You might find a hot tub amenity at your central campground building, and if not, you'll still be able to end the night with a cozy bonfire and cabin beds which are notoriously comfortable.

5.) Get a spa treatment. I don't think I need to do much convincing on this one, but I'll still remind you of how much you're missing out by not being at a spa right now. Deep tissue massages. Hot baths. Facials. Hand rubs. Scented bath salts. Sauna steam showers. Just stop reading and book a day now, you know you want to.

Hope you'll take the advice and come out of your blanket cocoon and be more of a functioning person. If not, I still understand and to each his own...method of dealing with the fleeting moment known as fall weather. 

See ya soon gurus,

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