Sunday, November 1, 2015

Traveling on a Budget - Transportation

Hey Travel Gurus!
One of the biggest areas of concern when traveling is how you’ll be able to get to your destination in the most practical yet cost effective way possible. I say practical because it’s also important to keep in mind that a more expensive method of transportation would be necessary in certain situation – i.e.) Traveling by car from New York to Venezuela is more hassle than the amount of money you will save. Just remember that different methods of transportation are available because they are suitable for different types of traveling and destinations. So here are ways to save on traveling by the most popular means of travel in the U.S. – car and airplane.

Car – Taking a road trip can sometimes be the best way to reach your journey’s end and if done and planned out right, can be just as fun as the actual vacation spot itself. Obviously, the biggest expense in road tripping is the fuel and while there may not be any direct way to reduce gas prices, you can work your way around this by choosing the least expensive route to your destination. A couple days before your scheduled departure, try looking at road maps to where you’re going and figure out the shortest possible traveling distance possible to get where you’re going. This can also easily be done using software on your computer or software as there a plethora of satellite-based apps that can help you find the shortest travel course for your personal road trip. There are also plenty of apps such as GasBuddy that help locate gas stations with the lowest gas price rates – a very useful tool for a trip that relies heavily on the consumption of gas. Another major point to consider is the state of your car. You’ll save a lot of money and unneeded stress by preparing for a flat tire with the necessary tools and checking for your car’s motor and oil condition will help prevent mechanical problems that will cost more money and time later on if something were to go wrong. An additional money saver on road trips is food. Being bored for hours at a time in a car will only help your eating tendency and so it’s important to prepare for this ahead of time. If you already have good food at home bring some along with you and save money on buying food from outside. Also try to restrict your food stops to the necessary three eating times of the day. If you’re really longing for a snack in between, gas stations are a great resource for cheap grub and will also provide you with other necessary amenities such as bathrooms and gas.

Airplane - Aviation can be a great way to get from point A to pint B especially if point A is ridiculously far from point B. Though many find traveling by air can be the most unpleasurable part of a trip, approaching it with a positive attitude can make it one of the most exciting part of the trip. The main problem with traveling via airplane however is that most people with a strict budget can't afford it. Traveling is a big emotional and financial commitment and although you won't be able travel an empty airplane for free, you find some great life hacks for chopping the price it takes to the ride the big metal bird in the sky. Firstly, traveling during the low season can dramatically decrease the price for your plane ticket. Airfare companies take advantage of patterns of passenger flow and what times air travel is used more than other times. During this high season, airfare companies higher plane tickets as there is an opportunity for a large profit. Inversely, there is also a low season in which plane tickets are considerably cheaper. This is usually during the winter excluding of course the sharp increase in plane purchases around Christmas time. It is important to keeping mind where in the world you're headed as the weather-related decrease often refers to your destination. There are also trends within this time and as a general rule traveling within the middle of the week - mainly Tuesday and Wednesday - often results in a cheaper ticket. Another way to save money is to fly an indirect route which can be very useful if your concern with money trumps your concern with what time you get to your travel spot. To travel an indirect route means to travel with the same flight number but unlike nonstop flights, there is a break between both destinations. Although slower than nonstop flights, they are often cheaper, so be sure to look up which method is suitable to your situation. Mixing and matching flight numbers and companies can also be a great way to find the cheapest possible airplane route to your destination. By mixing different flight routes to a destination that requires a stop in between, you have the ability to choose which option offers the cheapest flight to each portion of the trip which can help maximize the money you save on airfare. Other than the actual plane fare itself there are many ways to save money in the airport. Pre-booking parking in an understated way to save money yet doing so can save more money than trying to park the day of. Luggage wise, be sure to weigh your suitcases beforehand to avoid having to pay extra fees for added weight or extra suitcases. Try to avoid shopping while in the airport as most of the stores are ridiculously overpriced and offer products that  can be easily found for less elsewhere,

Hope this post helped you guys figure out ways to travel while still keeping your wallet intact and remember that the journey is just as important as the trip. Stay groovy gurus.


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