Sunday, November 22, 2015

Handling Homesickness

While being abroad is a generally exciting and positive experience, it can sometimes leave you yearning for home, especially if you're not a frequent traveler. This isn't a surprise as human beings are generally homebodies and like the feelings of stability and security, which can be compromised while traveling to new and unknown locations. If you ever find yourself down in the dumps while traveling or filled with nostalgia about home, just read on to find some helpful tips on how to reduce the effects of homesickness.

1.) Bring a sentimental item with you. If you know that you might be uncomfortable with the prospects of traveling ahead of time, bring something meaningful with you. Chances are you aren't still reliant on a security blanket, but you probably still have a meaningful item that will help bring a piece of home with you. Bring along a picture of meaningful people, your favorite book or even the pillow that you usually sleep on every night, to ease the nerves of sleeping on a foreign bed. The simplest things can sometimes help the most.

2.) Keep a constant. We all have habits that we are used to carrying out at home, and continuing those while away can help your brain feel more secure in the environment you're in and make you still feel at home. If you're used to watching a certain show before bed, try to watch it before going to sleep, and sleep on the same side of the bed you usually do at home. If you drink a certain beverage in the morning, try to keep that habitual action going. If you like listening to music, play your favorite artist's work when you can. Doing things you do at home and you'll feel a lot less uneasy about being placed in a new situation.

3.) Keep yourself busy. Keeping your mind off the fact that you're not home will help you not stress about it so much. Immerse yourself in local activities and options for entertainment. Go out to eat and have fun. Try exercising if your hotel has an indoor gym and just try to keep yourself busy and your mind off of your troubles.

4.) Journaling. Sometimes the best way to release steam or negative emotions is to physically confront them and let them go. Keeping a diary for the period that you're abroad will serve both as an emotional outlet but also make it easier to look back on and remember your trip later on.

5.) Talk it out. Whether your friends are with or back home, keep in contact with them while your gone. Friends and family are usually great listeners believe or not and care about how you're feeling. Even if you aren't ranting about how sad and lonely you're feeling, sometimes hearing loved ones' voices and joking around can be a great way to make you feel more at home even while away from home.

Thanks for reading gurus!

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