Monday, February 1, 2016

YOLO, So Travel Solo

Hey travel fanatics!
              See how I changed it up back there? That can be a good thing and changing up your life’s routine to incorporate travel can be a great thing. However I’ve noticed a trend in many members of my family and dear friends in which they believe that to truly enjoy travel, they have to do it with a significant other or someone meaningful. BULL 💩!!! Although I’ve emphasized in previous blog posts that it is nice to travel with those you love, I’ve realized that I have neglected talking about the most important person you can travel with – YOU! – and this was probably misleading.
The truth of the matter is that you are an amazing person, even if you fail to see it sometimes. Traveling alone can be almost be a spiritual awakening. Putting yourself in a foreign situation, left to your own devices and being left to constantly self reflect and with no pressures to conform to your peers’ standards can teach you things about yourself that you didn’t even know you possessed. Even if – especially if – you aren’t happy with the person you currently are. Learning about yourself, what drives your actions and realizing your full potential in my opinion, can best be done by putting yourself in a new and almost primal situation, which traveling can often do. Especially when you’re younger and not yet completely brainwashed by society order or bound by strict adult responsibility, utilizing this free time to realize who you are as a person without societal shaping is crucial.
Traveling by yourself can be very fulfilling and can give you skills and knowledge you can implement throughout the rest of your future.  Adapting to new situations, thinking on your feet, developing street smarts, broadening your sense of the world and its culture, interacting with other human beings, being content with staying alone with yourself and your thoughts, and loving yourself are all vital abilities to have in today’s world and can be learned firsthand by traveling by yourself. Without having to worry about the needs and emotions of another person that shape your decisions, you’re free to explore your interests and discover new passions.
Honestly today’s society places too much emphasis on relationships, and especially at such a young age, people learn that their self-worth is dependent on another person. If you are not truly happy and confident in yourself and don’t know your capabilities, how can you take on the emotional burden of understanding and being responsible for another person’s feelings? Without the proper time to know yourself, your wants, or being emotionally autonomous I personally believe that relationships become more of a show or game and lead to people needing another person to love themselves.  
This isn't to negate or mock people in relationships. It's just a reminder for those out there who think being in a relationship is the only to be happy that you don't need a significant other to enjoy all of life's adventures.
This post might have taken a deep turn so I’m just gonna stop rambling, but I just want you to realize that as amazing as another person may be, you can be your best travel partner. Laugh, let go and learn to be comfortable to dance on your own.
Hope this helped!


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