Sunday, October 25, 2015

The True Spirit of a Traveler

Hey Travel Gurus!

You’ve heard it a bajillion times from your teachers, parents, and sometimes even your friends – improve your attitude. Now whether that reminder comes in a polite or exasperated manner, it’s still an important reminder nonetheless. As annoyingly familiar as this may sound, the way you think about a situation can and will change how you feel about it and what you choose to take away from it. The same goes for attaining the best travel experience. To have the ultimate travel experience one must have the ultimate attitude and here are three ways to do that.

1- Right mindset. Making the best of any situation requires having an optimistic mindset point of view. That means assessing your surroundings and drawing the positive out of whatever state you’re in. When traveling this is extremely important. On a trip you are especially susceptible to things not going perfectly or according to plan. If you get caught up on every complication that arises, you will have just a bad an experience as your attitude. It’s so unnecessary and not progressive to spend time fussing over what went wrong when you could be making memories from the things that went right. You are most likely in or headed to aa beautiful place there is no need to dwell on the fact that your tire went flat getting there. Be thankful that you have the resources to get help and continue on your way.

2- Spontaneity. This is a vacation and not an assignment that needs to be done in the most efficient and direct way possible. It’s supposed to be a time to do things you normally don’t have the chance of doing. Try to take up every opportunity. Live in the present rather than the past or future. Most importantly, be in the moment and just go with the flow. Don’t follow a strict schedule and just take up every opportunity as it comes along. If you were planning to just chill in your hotel room but come across an opportunity to explore the local culture, take it! Be more open and willing to try new things. You’ll regret not trying the – very dubious - famous local dish more than possibly not enjoying a single meal. Be wild, fun, and don’t overthink or over plan everything. Try to engage experiences that are unique because believe it or not you will remember tanning on the beach - no matter how beautiful - just like every other time you tanned on the beach.

3- Agreeableness. In other words be polite. You will most likely meet people whose jobs are to make your trip as enjoyable as possible. You will also meet other people like you who are just looking to have a good time. Just be kind. Nobody wants you to have a bad experience so don’t be unnecessarily crabby towards them. This goes for people who are vacationing with you. Healthy human interaction can enhance any experience and this especially true for traveling. Try to get along with other humans around you; it will make the trip easier for you and them.

The true spirit of a traveler doesn’t require much, just a part of us that can sometimes be masked or forgotten about by the troubles of our everyday lives. May you unlock your traveling spirit and use it to the best of your advantage.

Until the next adventure,

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