Sunday, October 25, 2015

Taking a Load Off

Hey Travel Gurus!
As I’ve stressed many times before, traveling is an extremely effective and rewarding way of breaking your monotonous routine and experiencing the unknown world around you. As simple as this concept may seem, many people still underestimate the impact and necessity to break out of the routine shell once in a while, so I’m here to tell you why it’s crucial to just sometime take a load off.

Whether you are a student whose life is basically the memorization and regurgitation of seemingly useless facts day in and out or you’re a middle aged workaholic who lives on coffee fumes and depends on work for a sense of security, a trip can always be of use. Traveling does not necessarily translate into a time-consuming and overpriced endeavor. For most people, this can't be afforded financially or timewise. Rather, planning a simple camping weekend with your friends or a hike through your local park can be an easy and effective way to ease your mind and body of the rigorous errands of everyday modern life. 
Breaks like these are extremely important for your mental health. Our brain like any other organ can only take so much before malfunctioning - usually in the form of 3 AM mental breakdowns. Taking some time away for yourself will allow you to reconnect with the human version of you rather than the repetitively functioning zombie you've come to identify yourself with. It's important to get a chance to recollect your thoughts and sanity and be able to readjust your perspective and place in the world, and traveling is a great way of achieving this.
Traveling can also help renew motivation and can be a great way to deal with mental stresses. Though traveling can sometimes create a bit of anxiety itself, it really helps in terms of removing yourself from a stressful and panic inducing environment. Traveling and can also refresh your thought processes and priorities which can really help with depression as a result of being totally consumed by your personal circle of life and events. Being in a place where you are free of your regular responsibilities, expectations, and labels can be extremely liberating and helpful in building up a healthier and more self-loving mindset.
A healthy mind and body always can only be achieved through being in a positive and healthy environment, and let's face it, most of our lives do not accommodate or allow for this basic human need. One can only take so much before they need to be reconnected with their human instincts again. Traveling is a great way to get in touch with your mind, thoughts, and emotions which are all components of a healthy and happy lifestyle. So get it there and be happy. For yourself and no one else. For goodness sake you deserve a load off.
Hope you'll get the load off you need this week, and if not hang I there until you do.


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