Sunday, December 13, 2015

How to Look Like a Local in Fantastic France

Hey Travel Gurus!

When I was very young, I was fortunate to join my parents on an expedition to France so my dad could rejoin with old friends. Although I was too young to remember most details of the trip, let alone what people wore, I have many friends back in the country and through stalking their social media and doing research of my own, I feel pretty in touch with the style of clothing in France.

One thing I definitely notice in French clothing styles is the seriousness to which people regard clothing- this is of course to be expected in one of largest fashion cities in the world. Although clothing style is of higher caliber than in England, for the most part, no one is overly done while walking the streets. However women's makeup is far more refined and heavier in France and hair is done up on a regular basis. Men also show obvious signs of painstaking hair care. Despite this, the wardrobe of an average Parisian is constituted mainly of chic basics. Simple blouses and cute flats makeup a woman's average outfit while men go for a nice pair of jeans and  a nice button up. If you're still stressed on how to dress if a trip to France is in your near future, remember to keep it simple yet stylish. Don't overdo it but don't be afraid to add your own little flare to your style in the form of bold jewelry or eccentric tennis shoes. Just have fun with it and remeber to stress less about your clothing and more about where the nearest crepe stand is.

A tip about the people in France is that they regard social politeness very highly so be sure to greet others with a positive attitude and be aware of situations whee it is appropriate to buy a gift (i.e flowers or chocolate) such as when someone invites you over. People there are also rather independent and like to carry on their daily tasks without being interrupted, so just try to not intrude on other's personal lives and keep a smile on your face; you are in France for Pete's sake!

Thanks for reading!

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