Monday, January 25, 2016

Spring Break Bonanza

Spring Break is the stereotypical epitome of fun in the sun and letting loose in a foreign setting. However, spring breaking isn’t always as easy as it you may think, or as carefree as you believe the preparation process. To help you get through the vacation with a good experience and some money left in your bank account, here are some tips to help you with your spring adventures.

1.)    Choose your destination wisely. As obvious as it may seem to choose a tropical getaway to escape to during Spring break, try to pick a place that best suits your situation and needs. If that is a warm island retreat that’s okay but try to think outside the box and try something new. You might want to choose a place with more cultural substance or one that offers more hands-on activities that go beyond laying on the beach all day. Make sure to consider who’s going on the trip with you and what might appeal to them. Another point to check off your list is your financial capability and what you can afford. Remember that spring break is only a couple of weeks in the year and if you can only afford one big trip, save it for the summer. The cost of traveling during spring break can also be brought down by choosing a unique location, being frugal with your food and hotel choices and picking airplane transportation at the right time which you can read about in my previous blog post Timely Travel.

2.)    Choose the right companions. Spring Break is a rare opportunity to relax and experience new things within the year so make sure that you spend it with people that matter to create an experience that is meaningful for all. Whether you choose your friends or family members, pick people that won’t detract from the positivity this trip will bring or make you look back on the trip as a good time spent with bad people.

3.)    Let loose and make the most of what you have. Vacationing at any time should be a stress reducer but particularly during spring break, when you finally a have chance to escape from the world of corporate jobs and test cramming.  Be sure that wherever you go that you treat the situation with a positive and thankful attitude. This way, no matter how big or small your trip, you’ll have the satisfaction and clear mind you need to tackle on your cycle of a life once again.

Hope this helped with all your spring breaking concerns!


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